Friday, March 13, 2020

Four 3D Computer-Aided Design / modeling programs

Image result for blender 3d cad

1. Blender
Blender is an open-source 3D modeling program. It is free to use, unlike Maya. The models are saved in ".blend" files. Blender used to have a worse interface, but the UI was overhauled a few years ago. Blender plugins can be written in Python. Blender has a game engine included. The logic of the game engine can be defined by drawing lines between logic blocks.

Image result for sweet home 3d

2. Sweet Home 3D
Sweet Home 3D can be used to make a model of a house and arrange furniture to see how it would look. It is written in Java.

Image result for maya 3d

3. Maya
MayaⓇ is a proprietary 3D CAD program by AutodeskⓇ. It uses radial popup menus instead of vertical menus. There is a student & educator edition of MayaⓇ which is free. Otherwise it costs money.

Image result for radial popup menu
Example of a radial pop-up menu

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4. POV-Ray

POV-Ray is another CAD program but this one can be scripted with a DSL (domain-specific language) called scene description language. POV-Ray stands for Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer.

This was originally going to be a list of five CAD programs but Gazebo is a robot simulator instead of a CAD program.